Intrepid runs will now be once weekly on Thursdays, main focus will be to attempt boss clears
Intrepid Events start at 7pm UK time, as of 6:55pm you are late, please show up on time with your intrepid pearl 15-5 minutes before entry time.
Players will be expected be active and contribute well to the event. You will be expected to follow orders during the event, failure to do so will incur a penalty.
Currency, cards, medals and all AF will free fall during the run. However players can now bid at the end of the run for the 1 single piece of AF that fell to another player, other players can also bid but this counts as their bid for the run also. This should hopefully allow players desperate for certain pieces the ability to obtain. Other players that get unwanted AF can state a price or that they are donating it in the Intrepid Discord channel or sell to the AH.
Players will spend points on AF or Volte gear by bidding between 5-100 points. Players bid can not exceed there maximum points. Players will be able to bid for all Volte gear during the run and 1 AF piece after the run.
Players will be awarded 10 points for attending a run.
Older AF in Menmai stock will still be dealt with by bidding through the Website until the stock levels decrease, this will be handed out at the end of each run.
Turning up late for run -2p
Afk for periods of a run deemed longer than 15 minutes -2p
Causing disruption during a run -4p
Negligence of duty causing harm to others in alliance -4p
Leaving run or going AFK with more than 30 minutes remaining -4p
Negligence leading to wipe ending run -6p